I guess there's been some interesting things going on since my last blog 5 days ago. I am now jobless..which is liberating and scary at the same time since my livelihood depends on a steady income. There are a couple jobs lined up so I'm not that worried...but I always have a habit of worrying so I didn't want to disappoint anyone. I won't talk in detail because I don't want to jinx it but I can honestly say that it will be the best thing to happen to me in awhile if I get this job. This is me seriously asking someone...anyone out there to pray for me :) Right now though, I'm excessively enjoying my time off.
This weekend was pretty busy with Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day, and a couple playdates planned out. On Thursday, Jennet and Josh invited us to Wiseguys to see one of their friends do a show. It was actually really enjoyable and I definitely think it would be nice to go every once in awhile just to laugh a little. We spent the day on Saturday hanging out with Jennet, Josh, Emma, and Jesse's mom. Then we had a hot pot get together at my Dad's for Chinese New Year (hot pot YUM!) For Valentine's Day Jesse made me breakfast (French Toast and Fruit) then we just spent the day shopping for one another and watching movies. He'll be buying me a sweet pair of cream colored Toms that I can't help but love. I couldn't get them in the store because the sales people were rude but I will be getting them. After our busy day, I made us dinner. We had:
Butternut Squash Soup
Salmon with Potatoes and Roasted Garlic Broccoli
Molten Chocolate Cakes with Vanilla Ice Cream
The cakes were divine. SO easy to make and SO delicious. I might be biased on the level of skill because I had Pistachio on hand to make sure everything was o.k. but honestly, totally easy and totally rewarding. It makes it look like you spent hours on this chic dessert that people order at 5 star restaurants in Manhattan. Jesse was definitely impressed and again, Domestic Goddess points! The key part is to pop them out of the custard cups right out of the oven without breaking them. Obviously with burning hot glass against you, thoroughly buttering the cups in the beginning is SO important. Anyways, the recipe said you could use whipped cream to cut the chocolate since it's so rich but I decided to use ice cream to make it a hot and cold dessert which I definitely think is the way to go.
I'm going to go back and put up some pictures of the brownies I made last week on that earlier post as I promised, and also a few pics from dinner and such. We also decided that Valentine's will be our chosen holiday when we go all out and send people cards since we're too good for Christmas and any other holiday that people typically send cards on. We handmade each one and it was so much fun since I've never handmade a pretty card before! I'll post pictures of thee pictures we had in them too. This weekend is when we're planning on doing the Post-Sundance dinner since it's been so busy for the last couple of weeks but more on that menu later.