I really am bad at keeping up with this. The truth is I want to tell you about projects I'm working on but I want pics of them to post so I won't write about it until I get those. Anyways this last week has been the best week in such a long time. As you may recall, the previous post was all about the woes and stresses of my life most notably the meager excuse for of a job that I have. Well on Tuesday I got a call for an interview at this call center! I'm starting at $11 an hour as a base pay plus all the upsells I get which they say I will average $20 hopefully with 25 hours a week. That's like one grand a payperiod...yyeeahh i know. So needless to say I'm really excited about not being broke all the time.
Along with this amazing news is the fact that I've finally found the perfect place to live. I started looking in December and since then it's been on and off. It was so frustrating because every where that was in our price range wasn't nice or bad location or they didn't allow pets

and every where that did allow pets or was semi nice in a good location was way too pricey. Looking for rentals on craigslist became a daily routine and everytime I found something decent, I was miserably disappointed. Finally I stumbled upon a place for rent at Capitol Hill. I gave the landlady, Judy, a call and set up an appointment to see it. I was so nervous because I really didn't want to be disappointed again. It turned out to be so perfect and beautiful. The place is the top floor of this old Victorian house. There's tons of windows every where, the living room and kitchen are really open and have hardwood and the bedrooms have a skylight. The bathroom has a clawfoot tub (which I really wanted) with tile, plus it's significantly bigger than my bathroom now. Also in the picture you can see that there's a great view of the capitol and gas is included in the rent which is awesome plus she allows pets! Today I just got the call that we were accepted for the rental which I'm so happy for. I was so lucky to find this, seriously all those months of looking for the perfect place paid off. We'll be moving around the beginning of July and we're meeting with Judy this afternoon to discuss the lease. I will have more pictures to come once we are painting and moving things in!
Lately I've also been trying to think of things I could do for my birthday. I'll be turning the big two O this year which blows my mind. I seriously do not feel that old at all. It finally looks like my life is changing again and that I'm getting closer to my goals. Maybe you have to go through stress and hardship to really appreciate and recognize when good things happen to you. I'll be back soon with pics of my latest projects.
cute cute cute! i cant wait to see it :) i'm glad things are looking up for you! ohhh the dreaded call center again. ahaha let me know how your new job goes and all love.
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